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 فزياء لغات

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
المدير العام
المدير العام

علم بلدك : مصر

فزياء لغات Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: فزياء لغات   فزياء لغات Emptyالسبت 06 نوفمبر 2010, 3:29 pm


Waves - Sound - Light – Water

The best way to remember the information in this chapter is to get a pen and paper and write down your answers
before clicking on the Answer link which will take you to the correct page. You may have to read through some of the page before you find the answer, if the answer you have written is not right; change it to the correct answer by copying down the information from the correct page.

What do Waves do


Describe the movement of Particles in a Longitudinal Wave.


Give an Example of something which travels as a Longitudinal Wave.


Describe the movement of Particles in a Transverse Wave.


How would you measure the Amplitude of a Transverse Wave?


What does the Amplitude tell you about a Wave?


How would you measure the Wavelength of a Transverse Wave?


What Unit is Wavelength measured in?


Define Frequency.


What Unit is Frequency measured in?


What is the Period of a Wave?


Give the Equation which connects Period and Frequency.


Give the Equation which connects Velocity, Frequency and Wavelength.


What Velocity has a Wave with Frequency 3250 Hz and Wavelength 0·1 m?


What Wavelength has a Wave with Frequency 500 Hz and Velocity 330 m/s?


What Frequency has a Wave with Wavelength 10 m and Velocity 25 m/s
· Waves transmit energy without transmitting matter. This means that waves can move energy (or information)
from one place to another without moving any substance (stuff) from one place to another.
The amount of energy which a wave has depends on its

· Most waves move through substance but only move it backwards and forwards (longitudinal) or side to side (transverse) while the wave passes. After the wave has gone, the substance is back where it started but energy has been carried by the wave from its origin (where it begins) to its destination (where it finishes).
One type of wave (electromagnetic) does not need any substance to get it from its origin to its destination.
It can travel through a vacuum (nothing) so these waves can travel from
stars to planets through space
(space is a vacuum).

2 - Longitudinal Waves.
When a longitudinal wave moves through a material, the particles of the material move backwards and forwards
along the direction in which the wave is travelling. Below is a picture of a longitudinal wave travelling along a spring.

· Rarefaction (pronounced rair - ree - fac - shun) is the name given to the region where the coils of the spring are pulled apart.
· Compression is the name given to the region where the coils of the spring are pushed together.

· The wavelength can be measured as the distance between the centres of two compressions.
Examples of longitudinal waves are ( Sound)
Transverse Waves.
All of the waves which you will meet on your course are transverse except sound waves and P waves from earthquakes.
2. P waves from earthquakes.
When a transverse wave travels through a substance, the particles of the substance are moved at right angles
to the direction in which the wave is traveling. The particles either move up and down or from side to side
as the wave goes past (like waves on the
surface of the sea). After the wave has gone, the particles are back where they started.

Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves which do not need a substance to travel through
Below is a picture of a transverse wave.
The amplitude of the wave : is measured from the peak (or trough) to the mid-point.
Amplitude can be defined as "the maximum displacement from the average position".
Amplitude is a measure of how much
energy the wave has.

The wavelength : is the distance between two peaks or the distance between two troughs.
Wavelength can be defined as "the distance the wave has traveled during one complete cycle".
Wavelength is given the symbol
l(Greek lambda, pronounced lam-der), and is measured in metres because it is a distance.

Frequency is defined as "the number of complete cycles (complete waves) in one second".
Hertz is the unit of frequency (symbol Hz).
1 Hertz = 1 cycle per second.

The period of a wave is defined as "the time taken for one complete cycle".
The period = 1 ÷ frequency. This can be rearranged to give
Frequency = 1 ÷ period.

The only equation you need for waves is
Velocity or Speed = Frequency x Wavelength
v = f x lThis equation is important!
The equation can be rearranged to give
f = v ÷ lOrl = v ÷ f
Q1. A sound wave has a frequency of 3250 Hz and a wavelength of 0·1 m. What is its velocity?
A1. Use v = f x l
v = 3250 x 0·1 = 325 m/s.
Q2. A sound wave travels with a velocity of 330 m/s and has a frequency of 500 Hz. What is its wavelength?
A2. Use l = v ÷ f
l = 330 ÷ 500 = 0·66 m.
Q3. A wave at sea travels with a velocity of 25 m/s. If it has a wavelength of 10 m, what is its frequency?
A3. Use f = v ÷ l
f = 25 ÷ 10 = 2·5 Hz.
Note - always make sure that you give the units for your answer and that the units are correct.
If the wavelength is given in centimeters, convert it to metres before doing the calculation.
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المدير العام
المدير العام

علم بلدك : مصر

فزياء لغات Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: فزياء لغات   فزياء لغات Emptyالسبت 06 نوفمبر 2010, 3:31 pm

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]هذا ملخص فيزياء (أولى ثانوى)............. أرجو الله أن ينفع به الجميع

Final revision

· First (main laws and relations)
1 - Equations of motion:
i) V = Vi + a t (To calculate the final velocity)
ii} d = Vi + ½ a t2 ( To Calculate displacement)
iii) V2 - Vi 2 = 2 a d (To calculate the final velocity, acceleration, displacement)
================================================== ==============
2 - Forces: (Newton)
i) F = = m a (Newton's second law of motion)
ii) F = m (Centripetal force)
iii ) F = G (Gravitational forces)
iv) F = m g (weight of a body)
================================================== ==============
3 - Energy and work: (Joule)
i) Work = F d cos Φ
ii) Potential energy (P.E) = m g y
iii) Kinetic energy (K.E) = ½ m V2
iv) Mechanical energy (M.E) = Σ P.E + K.E = Σ m g y + ½ m V2
v) Heat energy ( H.E) = m c Δ t
vi) Electric energy ( E.E) = V I t
================================================== ==============
4 - Fields
i) Gravitational field intensity ( g ) = or { g = } { N / kg )
ii) Electric field intensity (E ) = or ( E = K ) { N / C )
iii) Gravitational potential ( g ) = or ( g = G ) {J / kg . m = N / m2}
iv) Electric potential ( V ) = or ( V = k ) {J / C = Volt }

Space Exploration

i) Orbital velocity (v) = m / s
ii) Escape velocity (V) = m / s
iii) Weightlessness Weight = zero when a = g {total force = zero)


Point of comparison

Liquid thermometer

Gas thermometer

Platinum thermometer

Thermometric substance
Mercury column
Platinum coil
Physical property
regular variation in Length of liquid column with temperature
regular variation in pressure with temperature
regular variation in ohmic resistance with temperature
The mathematical relation

t = t =

t =

t =

Units of Temperature

To convert from Kelvin to Celsius t ˚ C = K - 273
To convert from Celsius to Kelvin t˚ K = t ˚ C + 273
To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit t ˚ F = (t ˚ C + 32)
To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius t ˚ C = (˚ F – 32)
1 - The general law for thermometerst =
2 – Specific heat capacity ( c ) = { J / kg . K}
3 – Specific latent heat ( L) = C Δ t = { J / kg }
4 – In a mixture of hot body with a cold body

{Heat energy lost = heat energy gained + the heat gained}

by the hot body = by the cold body + by calorimeter

m 1 c1 Δ t 1 = m2 c2 Δ t 2 + m 3 c3 Δ t 3


1- Coulomb's law:

The electrostatic forces between to charges is directly proportional with the product of the two charges and inversely proportional with the square the distance between them
F = k k: constant= =9 x 109 N.m2 / C2
2 -Electric field intensity: The electric force acting per unit charge ε = or ε = k
3 - The electric potential difference: The work done to transfer a charge of 1 C from one point to anotherV = or V = k Joule / coulomb or Volt

4 -The capacitance: The ratio between the charges on the two plates to the P.d between them
C = Coulomb / volt or [farad]

Electric energy

I t t

Electric energy = V I t

Power (P) = V I

Kilowatt :The measuring unit of electric power
Kilowatt hour :The measuring unit of electric energy consumed.
1 Kilowatt hour = 3.6 x 106 Joules
Cost of usage = Powerin kilowatt x time of use in hours x cost of 1 KWh

Kinds of magnets

1 – Permanent magnets. 2 – Electromagnets.
The earth is considered a giant permanent magnet

Scientific Terms

The physical quantity that is measured by magnitude and direction.

The tendency of the body to keep its state of rest or motion in straight line.

The velocity at which the body covers equal displacement in equal intervals of time.

The rate of change in velocity of a body.

The change in position of the body through space within interval of time.

The science that deals with the physical phenomenon and universal laws.

The physical quantity that needs its magnitude only to be completely defined.

In the absence of force , a body retains its state of rest or motion in straight line with uniform velocity

The distance between two points in a given direction.

The kind of motion in which the moving body travels between two points.

The kind of motion in which the moving body repeats its position within interval of time.

The resistance of the body to change its velocity on collision.

The rate of change in displacement of a body.

An instrument used to reduce friction forces.

The heat energy needed to change 1 kg of the substance from solid state to the liquid state without change in temperature

The transferred energy between two bodies due to the difference in temperature between them

The needed quantity of heat to raise the temperature of the whole body one Kelvin degree

The needed quantity of heat to raise the temperature of 1 kg of substance one degree Kelvin

The heat energy needed to change 1 kg of the substance from the liquid state to the vapour state without change in temperature.

Summation of potential energy and kinetic energies of the body molecules.

The average kinetic energy of molecules of the body.

The thermal state in which there is no exchange of heat between the system and the surrounding medium.

The state in which the rates of losing energy equals the rates of gaining energy.

An instrument which is used to measure the temperature of the substance

The property that varies regularly with temperature.

The rate of change in linear momentum

The satellite which revolves in an orbit in the plane of the equator

The product of force x the time of its action.

The work done to transfer a charge of 1 C from one point to another

The gravitational force acting per unit mass

The ratio between the charge on the two plates to the P.d between them

The total work done to transfer 1 coulomb in the whole circuit

The ratio between electric current intensity and the potential difference.

The unit of work when a force of 1 N acts on a body to move it a distance of 1 m in the direction of force

The sum of potential and kinetic energies of body molecules.

The sum of change in momenta of two isolated bodies before and after collision equals zero.

The energy stored in the body due to its poison

The quantity of electric charges that flows in 1 second in a conductor when the current intensity is 1 A .

The energy process of change substance from solid to liquid.

The rate of flow of electric charges

The work done to transfer a unit mass between two points.

The change in momentum of a body.

Complete the following statements

1 – Physics is the science that deals with …………………………. and ……………………………..
2 – Physical quantities can be classified into …………………………… and ………………………
3 – Physical measuring instruments may be ………………… or …………………
4 – From the factors of causing errors are ………………… , ………………….. or …………………
5 – Velocity, force and acceleration are ……..... While work, mass and time are …………. Quantities.
6 – Newton is the unit of …………… while Joule is the unit of ……………… or ………………….
7 – The unit for electric resistance is …………………. While that for electric charge is ……………..
8 – In uniform velocity the line s – t is ……………….. That indicates that the moving body covers ……. Displacements in ………….. Intervals of time.
9 – There are to kinds of motion ……………….. And …………………… motion.
10 – In non uniform velocity the line s – t. Is ………… that indicates that the moving body covers ……. displacements in …………….. Intervals of time.
11 – When the speed of an object changes at a constant rate from Vo to V throughout an interval of time t
To cover a displacement X , the motion of the body can be described using the equations:
i – V = ……….. + …………….. ii – X = ……….. + ……………. iii – V2 – V2 = ………………….
12 – There are three states of matter …………………….. , …………….. …………and ………………
13 – Internal energy of the body = ……………………. + …………………… of ………………………
14 – Motion of molecules may be …………………. , ……………………….. or ………………………
15 – Heat energy depends on ………………………… , ……………………….. and …………………
16 – The unit of measuring heat energy is …………… while that of heat capacity is …………… but the unit of measuring specific heat is …………………. And that for latent heat is ……………….
17 – The heat capacity of a body is calculated from the relations ……………………… or ……………
18 – The specific heat capacity is calculated from the relations ……………………….. or ……………
19 – To construct a thermometer we need ………………………………… and ……………………
20 – The general law for thermometers can be written as ………………………………………………
21 – Space vehicles may be ………………………, ………………………. Or ……………………
22 - Volt. Ampere is the measuring unit of ................................. and it is *****alent to .............................
23 - Kilowatt is the measuring unit of ................. while kilowatt hour is the measuring unit of ...................
24 – The boiling point of Freon = .......................... Celsius and it = ....................... Kelvin
25 – The gravitational field intensity has the units .......................... , ........................ and ............................
26– Ampere is the unit of .................. while volt is the unit of .................... but watt is the unit of ...............
27 – Latent heat of fusion is the quantity of heat needed to .................. 1 kg of .............. from ....... to ......... without ................. and it can be calculated from the relation .................... and its unit is ......................
28 – The relation used to calculate gravitational potential gradient is .................... and its unit is...................
29– The ..................... is used to control the electric current intensity while ............... is used to measure it.
30 – One kilowatt hour = ………………………… Joule
31– The unit of heat capacity is ................... while that of the specific heat capacity is ................................
32– From the characteristics of the multi-stages rocket are ............ , ............... , ............... and ...................
33 – In the In-elastic collision part of energy is consumed in the form of............... , ................. or ...............
34 – Work done by a force is maximum when ............................... and it is zero when..................................
35– Impulse is a vector quantity because .................................... while work is a scalar because..................
36– Complete the table.............

The physical quantity

The unit

The rule


Escape velocity

The electric field intensity

The electric power

The heat capacity

The gravitational gradient
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المدير العام
المدير العام

علم بلدك : مصر

فزياء لغات Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: فزياء لغات   فزياء لغات Emptyالسبت 06 نوفمبر 2010, 3:31 pm

Definitions units 1,2and 3 (3rd secondary)

Revision questions

Units (one – two and three)

Unit One (Waves)

A. Give the scientific term for each of the following:
1 - The disturbance that's propagating to transfer the energy.
2 - A kind of wave that propagate through space with constant speed (c = 3 x 108 m / s).
4 - A kind of wave that needs a medium to be propagated.
5 - The distance between the position of the body and its origin.
6 - The distance between two points on the path, where the velocity at one is maximum and that at the other.
7 - The maximum displacement of the vibrating body.
8 -The maximum displacement in the positive direction.
9 -The distance between two successive points on the path have the same phase
10 - The time taken to complete on vibration.
11 - The number of complete vibrations made by the vibrating body in one second.
12 - The distance covered by the wave in one second.
13 -The position on the wave where the molecules of the medium come close to each other.
14 -The wave in which the particles of the medium vibrate perpendicularly to the wave propagation.
15 - The line that represents the wave propagation.
16 -The angle between the incident ray and the normal to the surface.
17 - The wave motion in which the vibrating body passes through a fixed point tow successive times the in the same direction.
18 - The unit of frequency when he body makes one vibration in ones second.
19 -The waves that are formed from a vibrated electric and magnetic fields.
20 -The wave motion that can be represented by harmonic functions.
21 -The mechanical wave that occurs when things vibrate.
22 -The repetition of sound due to its reflection.
23 -The change in the direction of wave on in the same medium on bouncing on a surface.
24 -The change in the direction of the wave on traveling between two media differ in density.
25 -The deflection of waves on passing sharp edges or narrow slits.
26 -The superposition of waves that have the same velocity, frequency and direction.
27 -The super position of waves that have the same frequency but opposite in direction.
28 -The position on the wave where the amplitude is maximum.
29 -The position on the wave where the amplitude is vanished.
30 -The interference of waves in which the path difference = (m +.
31- The tone which has the least frequency and the longest wave length.
32 -The tone formed when the string forms four segments.
33 -The distance between two successive nodes on the standing waves.
34 - The distance between the node and the next anti node on the standing wave.
35 - Twice the distance between two successive nodes or two successive antinodes on the standing waves.

36 -The ratio between the speed of light in air to its velocity in the medium.
37 -The ratio between A.R. Index of the second medium to A .R . Index of the first medium.
38 -The ratio between velocities of light in the first medium to its velocity in the second medium.
39 -The ratio between sine angle of incidence of light in the first medium to sine angle of incidence in the second medium.
40 -The product of A. R .index of the 1st medium x sine angle of incidence = A .R . Index of the 2nd medium x sine angle of refraction in that medium.
41 -The light sources that have the same frequency, amplitude and have the same phase.
42 -Bright and dark regions due to interference of light waves that have the same frequency , amplitude and the same phase.
43 -An angle of incidence in the more dense medium which corresponds to an angle of refraction 90 ˚ in the less dense medium.
44 -Phenomenon occurs for light in the denser medium when angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle.
45 -A very fine tubes used to transfer the energy by total internal reflection and they are used in communications and medicine.
46 -A triangular prism that has a base of Angles (45˚. 45˚ and 90˚).
47 -A phenomenon occurs for light in hot regions due to separation of air into layers differ in density.
48 -The angle between the extensions of the incident and the emergent rays in the triangular prism.
49 -The state of deviation when angle of incidence equals angle of emergence in the triangular prism.
50 -Splitting of white light ray into colored spectrum {R.O.Y.G.B.I.V}.
51 -A triangular prism whose vertex has a few degrees.
52 -The angle between the blue spectrum and the red spectrum emerged from the prism.
53 -The refractive index of the prism for the yellow spectrum.
54 -The ratio between the angular size and the mean deviation of the prism.

Unit two (Fluids)

1 -The substance that can flow and has no definite shape.
2 - The substance that has no shape but has a definite volume.
3 - The substance that has neither definite shape nor a definite volume.
4 -The amount of material in the substance.
5 -The amount of space occupied by the substance.
6 - The ratio between mass of the body and its volume at normal temperature.
1. 7 - The ratio between densities of substance to that of water at the same temperature.
2. 8 - The average normal force acting normally per unit area.
3. 9 -The pressure arising from the weight of liquid column acting per unit area.
4. 10 -The pressure arising from the weight of air column acting per unit area.
11- An instrument used to determine the relative density of immiscible liquids.
12 -An instrument used to measure gauge pressure.
13 -An instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.
14 -An instrument used to amplify the force at constant pressure.
15 - A pressure applied to an enclosed liquid is transmitted undiminished to every portion of the liquid and the walls of the container.
16 -A body wholly or partially immersed in a fluid experiences an up thrust force in the vertical direction equals the weight of the volume of the fluid displaced by the body.
17 -A floating body displaces an amount of fluid equals its weight
18 - The fluid flow in small velocities where the layers slide on each other in smooth and ease
19 - The line indicating the direction of fluid path.
20 - The number of streamlines that crossing perpendicularly per unit area at a point.
21 - The volume of the fluid that flowing through a unit area per unit time.
22 - The mass of the fluid that flowing through a unit area per unit time.
23 - The velocity of fluid flow is inversely proportional with the cross sectional area of the tube.
24 - Property of fluid in which the friction forces resist the sliding of layers on each other.
25 - The tangential force acting on a unit area resulting in unit difference of velocity between two layers separated by unit distance apart.

Unit Three (Heat) .

1 - The continuous random motion of gas molecules in all directions with different velocities when they collide with each other and with the walls of the container.
2 - At constant temperature, the volume of a fixed mass of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure.
3 - At constant pressure, the volume of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature.
4 - At constant pressure, equal volumes of different gases expand by of its volume at 0 ˚ C per each degree rise in temperature.
5 - At constant volume, pressure of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature.
6 - At constant volume. Equal pressures of different gases increase by of its pressure at 0 ˚ C per each degree rise in temperature.
7 - The increase in volume per unit volume at zero for each rise in temperature 1 degree in temperature.
8- The temperature at which the volume of the gas is vanished theoretically at constant pressure.
9 - The temperature at which the pressure of the gas is vanished theoretically at constant volume.
10 - The atomic mass or molecular mass expresses in grams.
11 - The number of molecules or atoms in one mole gram of any substance.
12 - Equal volumes of different gases contains the same number of molecules under the same conditions.
13 - The average distance covered by the molecule before colliding with another molecule.
14 - The ratio between universal gas constant to Avogadro's number.
15 - The molar heat capacity of gases.
16 - The molecular heat capacity of gases.
17 - The numerical value of molecular masses in unit volume of a gas.
18 - The resultant force affecting a moving body equals the rate of change in change in momentum.
19 - The rate of collision of gas molecules with the container.
20 - The study of the properties of gas in terms of pressure, volume and temperature to deduce the general law of gases.
21 - The study of the large number of gas molecules in their random motion to deduce the kinetic theory of gases.
22 - The measure of average kinetic energy of gas molecules.
23 - The temperature at which the K.E of molecules are vanished
24 - The study of cases at very low temperatures approaching zero Kelvin.
25 - The interactive forces between gas molecules that led to liquefaction or solidification of gases.
26 - The property of liquid gases in which the friction forces and gravity is vanished on gases.
27 - A flask that has double walls of Pyrex used to store liquid gases.
28 - The process in which the temperature of the gas is constant with the surrounding and the acquired energy is converted completely into mechanical work.
29 - The process in which the mechanical work is on the account of the internal energy of the gas.
30 - Property for some metals in which the resistance = zero at very low temperature.
31 - The phenomenon in which the magnetic field inside a super conductor is vanished due to the effect of a permanent magnet.
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